
American Indigenous Women: Mothers Disrespected

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Literature Text

Mus thàinig Eòrpaich dhan dh’Aimeireaga, bhaBefore Europeans came to the Americas,
Na Ban-Aimeireaganaich air thoirt dìcheallAmerican women were given the utmost
An urraim; oir ma ‘s urrainn dhaibh a’ bheathaOf respect; for if they can create
A cruthachadh, nach urrainn dhaibh a’ bheathaLife, can they not destroy
A millteadh cuideachd?Life, also?

Gu h-ìre bhig, bha mnathan de gach cinneadhThe women of virtually every American
Aimeireaganach air thoirt urram fìor mhòrNation were given truly great honor
‘Nam Màthraichean nan glùintean siud ri teachd; bhaAs Mothers of yonder generations to come; rape
Neo-chumant’ èigneachadh is fòirneart taigheAnd domestic violence were unknown
‘S fhuair peanas ceart trom...And got justly harsh punishment…

Deas-ghnàthan inbhe ‘n cumail-fèill cho mòr anRites of passage in celebration so great of
Am’-thòiseachaidh fuil-mhìos ‘s an deuchainn thig leis,Menarche and the testings which come with it,
Na deuchainnean na maireannachd a dhearbhadhThe testings of endurance to prove
Gum bi is’ ‘na mnaoi neartmhor, chomasach isThat she will be a strong, able woman and
‘Na màthair urrach…A capable mother…

Cha robh Aimeireaga co-chòrdach foirfe;America was not harmoniously perfect;
Chog mòran chinnidhean an aghaidh ‘chèileMany nations warred against each other
‘S bh’ann aimhreit eadar cinnidhean eugsamhaile,And there was contention between differing nations,
‘S bh’ann tràilleachd, ach cha dhiùltadh iad urramAnd there was slavery, but they would not deny a very common
Glè choitcheann nam ban…Respect of women…

Gum b’urrainn mnathan mhòran chinnidhean naThat women of many American nations
h-Aimeireaga am fearann fhèin a stiùireadhCould manage and inherit their own
‘S a shealbhachadh, gun robh fèin-riaghladh tharFarms, that they had autonomy over
Na roghainn chèil’ ‘s na t-sligh’ am beatha aca,Their choice of spouse and the course of their life,
Bh’ a’ Bheatha mhnà mhath…!Good was the life of a woman…!

Ach thàinig ionnsaighich na Roinne-EòrpaBut invaders from Europe came
‘S gu luath ghlac iad mòran bhan is phàisteanAnd quickly captured many women and children
Gan reic ‘nan tràillean-fheise, ‘sgrios gach ìomhaighTo sell them as sexual slaves, destroying every icon
Na Màthar Naoimh ‘s na mnathan-coisrigte, sgriosOf the Divine Mother and the holy women, destruction
A’ tigh’nn ri ‘n dachaigh…Coming to their home…

Gu gnàthach deas a mharbhadh neach sam bith aContinually ready to kill anybody who
Rinn aramach ‘nan aghaidh, thug na coigrichRebelled against them, the foreigners  
An èiginn ris na mnathan ‘s nigheanan na Violated the wives and daughters of
h-Aimeireaga, ghoid iad dùthaich mhàithreilAmerica, they stole a motherland
À h-uile cinneadh…! From every nation…!

Na cladhan ‘s na naomh-làraichean fo tàmailt,The burial grounds and holy sites desecrated,
Gun chomas a chasg ionnsaighich o tigh’nn ‘s airPowerless to stop invaders from coming and
An sàrachadh, gun chomas ‘ghabhail dìoghaltasFrustrated, powerless to take revenge
Air nàimhdean le neo-dhìoghaltas, bhuail fir mnathanOn enemies with impunity, men batter wives
Is clann, a b’ phrìseil’ dhaibh…!And children, most precious to them…!

Na Ban-Aimeireaganaich Thùsanach, ochThe American Indigenous Women, alas
Och, fuilingidh na mnathan fhèin gu h-oillteilAlas, the very women who suffer dreadfully
A bh’ air thoirt dìcheall urraim aon uair, an uairWho were once given the utmost respect, when
A bh’ iad ‘nam Màthraichean na Beatha, gheibh iadThey were the Mothers of Life, they now get
‘Nis beinn chràidh ‘s thàmailt’…!A mountain of pain and degradation…!

Far a bha iad ‘nam Màthraichean na BeathaWhere they were the Mothers of Life
Aon uair, gheibh iad ‘nis beinn chràidh is thàmailt’…!Once, they now get a mountain of pain and degradation…!
Am fòirneart ‘s tàmailtean, an t-èigneachadh naThe violence and insults, the rape of She
Mnà tha naomh ‘s bidh gu sìorraidh bràth ar Màthair,Who is sacred and who will be forever more our Mother,
Ar Cruinne, Danu…!Our World, Danu…!
I know that the "memories" of Pre-Colonial America are idealized and generalized, I know that there are at least hundreds of different nations and their sexual politics vary widely and that it wasn't a utopian paradise, but the main point is that women were generally respected.

I can't begin to say how unjust that the last five centuries of American Indigenous history are. The women have suffered some particular cruelties. Before European contact, rape and domestic violence were virtually unknown in the Americas and were punished accordingly when they happened; the view was/is that if women have the power to create life, in the same breath can they not also destroy life? Therefore, women and girls were to be shown nothing but respect as the mothers of the future generations of their nations. 
Every nation was/is different in their approach, but generally women were respected and had their autonomy and rites of passage like menarche were celebrated as a girl's blossoming into womanhood.

Then the colonizing countries of Europe shattered that world as well as shattered the women themselves. Columbus himself encouraged the sale of girls eight years of age into sexual slavery. Cortes, Pizarro, and De Soto did similarly in Mexico and South America.

Pocahontas (1595-1617, born Matoaka and later known as Amonute before she was married to John Rolfe and became "Rebecca Rolfe") was kidnapped by the English in 1613 in the middle of the First Anglo-Powhatan War and legend says that they raped her and killed her husband Kocoum, with whom she already had a daughter Ka-Okee. We don't know what Pocahontas thought about her marriage to John Rolfe.

As the California Gold Rush progressed and Californian Indigenous nations had the rug yanked out from under them, tribal autonomy as well as community and family life were undermined as the young men were forced to work on ranches. Not only did it disrupt family life, but there were no able-bodied men to protect their women, children, and elders; the white men invariably came without their families and saw a chance to take advantage of these vulnerable villages and simultaneously assert their authority. So many women from girls of five years to matriarchs of ninety were violated by these sexual terrorists that they often had to flee their villages; Squaw Valley, California, is named because it's one of the major places that the women and girls took shelter, and "Squaw Valley" is an even bigger insult to Indigenous women because these women were rape victims. And their men, the men were powerless to avenge their mothers, their sisters, their daughters, their wives...

That same powerlessness has led to the disproportionately high degree of domestic violence in many Indigenous communities. And easily one out of three Indigenous women is a victim of rape/violent attack or will be one. Indigenous women and Black men are both in a very vulnerable position, especially since people of color disproportionately suffer from environmental racism. 
The same disrespect is given to the Mother of all of us: Gaia, Danu, Pachamama, Mother Earth, She is the one who has given life to everybody who has existed and in just a few centuries some of Her own children have dishonored and devastated Her.

I say that we restore to American Indigenous Women (and to American First Nations, in general) their honor, their dignity, the respect that they deserve! Restore to them what has been stolen from them.
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SylvanSmith's avatar
This seems an overly idealized version of native culture, and a generalization- as every tribe and nation were different. Europeans did horrible things to each other. Others did horrible things to Europeans- as so turns the world.